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Jay Luis
Marketing Manager
Beta LaserMike Inc.
8001 Technology Blvd.
Dayton, OH 45424

Join this live Beta LaserMike webinar to learn how to choose the right non-contact encoder system for your unique product length and speed measurement applications

Overview: Thanks to advances in technology. the cost of non-contact length and speed measurement has significantly come down in price. For many companies, the improved accuracy compared to contact methods results in a significant savings. Often, the return on investment is realized within one or two months.

Unfortunately, not all non-contact length and speed measurement devices are created equal. Aside from the obvious differences in size, shape, or price, some might not live up to their stated accuracy in all industrial and manufacturing environments.

Join Stuart Manser, Regional Market Manager for Beta LaserMike, as he navigates you through the evaluation process and helps you zero in on specifying the right non-contact encoding solution for length and speed measurement.

Register today for Beta LaserMike’s webinar. During this 30-minute Webinar, you'll learn:
• Why cost is just one of several factors to consider when choosing a non-contact measurement system
• How to perform side-by-side tests and comparisons to really determine what measurement device is best for you
• What to look for when comparing feature sets to ensure usability and ease of integration into your manufacturing process
• A case study: why a manufacturer made the switch from a competitive non-contact encoder to the LaserSpeed non-contact measurement system
• How the advantages of LaserSpeed non-contact measurement can provide significant cost savings and process improvements

Join us for ""Not All Non-Contact Length and Speed Encoders are Created Equal" on Thursday, February 2, 2012 at 10:00 am EDT (North America)/4:00 pm CET (Europe) and 2:00 pm EDT (North America)/8:00 pm CET (Europe).

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Informieren Sie sich, wie Kunden Herausforderungen bei Längen- und Geschwindigkeits
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Informieren Sie sich über berührungslose Längen- und Geschwindigkeits


Hören und lernen Sie, wie das LaserSpeed Pro-System Ihre Produktivität steigern kann


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